Ameriplan USA® - What you should know about plaque
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What you should know about plaque

We hear a great deal about plaque these days in dental product advertising.  Since its' elimination is so important in controlling dental decay and periodontal gum disease, there are a few things you should know.

Your mouth normally contains large numbers of bacteria.  Many of these bacteria digest sugar.  Among the byproducts of digested sugars are acids, - particularly lactic acid.  If these bacteria remain undisturbed on your teeth, they combine with food debris and their own digestive products to form a sticky film called plaque.

Plaque holds the acid released by bacteria in firm, prolonged contact with the tooth.  These acids react chemically with the minerals in the enamel and dissolve them.  Decay usually begins with the tiny pit on the surface, which enlarges to become a cone-shaped "soft spot" of partially dissolved enamel.  When more sugar is fed to the bacteria, more acid will be produced, and the decay progresses faster.  Untreated, it will eventually destroy the tooth.

Margaret A. Pippin, D.D.S. P.C. Specializing in Cosmetic and General Dentistry.  Dr. Pippin's private practice is located 3200 Hwy. 42, Stockbridge, GA (770)506-9818.



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