High Spots
High spots on fillings, crowns, fixed bridges or partial dentures may produce
hypersensitivity in teeth because of excessive pressure. The concentration
of pressure concentrated on these high spots can be enormous since the muscles
used in biting and grinding can produce a force of several hundred pounds.
The teeth may become sore and tender when the jaws are tightly closed or when
a person eats, especially if the teeth are subject to temperature changes, even
of only a few degrees. Fortunately, this type of pain usually subsides
immediately after the excessive pressure is released.
Though the dentist makes every effort to restore all parts of the teeth so
that they closely match the patient's natural teeth in form and function,
occasionally there is a high spot. A patient who has recently had
restorative work should not be surprised to need adjustments. What is important
is that he or she relate any experience of pain or hypersensitivity to the
Margaret A. Pippin, D.D.S. P.C. Specializing in Cosmetic and General
Dentistry. Dr. Pippin's private practice is located 3200 Hwy. 42,
Stockbridge, GA (770)506-9818.
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