Ameriplan USA® - Stuck Food Particles
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Stuck Food Particles

Sometimes a bit of food becomes "stuck" or impacted between adjacent teeth.  It can be very annoying and just won't be removed by your tongue.  If it is fibrous and remains there for a prolonged period it can actually move teeth out of position and start a "pocket" area on your gum which will collect  other food and may eventually lead to some periodontal involvements.  This food may have gotten stuck because of beginning decay, a broken filling, tartar formation, lack of contact points between adjacent teeth, - or maybe it "just happened".  

Try getting this impacted food loose by gently flossing between your teeth.  If the area is wider it may be helpful to tie a small knot in the floss.  This is particularly helpful if the food is trapped under a fixed bridge.  If this doesn't work, try to remove it with the soft, pointed end of an interdental stimulator or proxy brush.  The use of a water irrigator can also be very helpful.  If you can't dislodge it without damaging the gum, do to your dentist.  Don't count on it working itself out.

Margaret A. Pippin, D.D.S. P.C. Specializing in Cosmetic and General Dentistry.  Dr. Pippin's private practice is located 3200 Hwy. 42, Stockbridge, GA (770)506-9818.



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